The week has finally arrived! On Friday (just 4 days away now!) I will be flying to Canada to spend the weekend with my sweet Phil!
I can't even express how excited I am to finally be there with him! Friday can NOT come fast enough!!!
My Easter weekend was exhausting but good. On Saturday my employers hosted their annual Easter Egg Hunt. Its a very big deal and a massive event at this house and this was my 3rd one helping out. It was very tiring but was actually kind of fun. The cool thing is that my boss is really starting to see me as someone who knows what to do in the kitchen (and she is an amazing chef so it means a lot to me coming from her!) and she even said to me that day that of all the people helping out she really needed me helping with the cooking. She's very much a perfectionist individual (I am as well! Probably why I'm able to work for her this long! haha) so to know that she trusted me with all the big cooking stuff meant a lot! She also mentioned what a great job I do for them and how greatful she is that I'm there for her kids...that was really nice to hear :) Appreciation can go a long way and she's honestly the first nanny employer I've had to really go out of her way to express it so that's a good thing.
The bonus was that they also paid me extra for all the hard work on Saturday which is so nice because that allowed me to get a few new additions for my wardrobe to take up to Canada! Yay!
Sunday I spent the day on Skype with my sweetie, listening to conference and chatting with him and his kids. It was a nice and relaxing recovery day from the madness of the day before!
This week will be very crazy and busy as I prepare to go. You'd think the world wouldn't collapse just because one nanny is taking a couple days off, but it seems that in fact it is collapsing! Haha I guess the bonus is that my going away makes them realize even more how valuable I am. It seems everything decided to hit this weekend, but to my boss's credit, they haven't once suggested that I postpone this trip...probably because they know the very suggestion would make me want to quit on the spot (something Phil would be in full support of! LOL)
People keep asking me if I'm nervous...the truth is I am a bit, but mostly I'm just excited to be with him and relieved that the waiting time is finally over and behind us. I've had a few people express concerns about me staying in touch with family and friends over the weekend to ensure that my Phil is not an axe assured people, of the two of us we both agree that I'M way more likely to be the axe murderer! Hahaha Really though people, don't worry about that one...I'm not worried about it in the slightest. A lot of people have a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that Phil and I have been getting to know each other for almost 11 months now and have still not met in person. Believe us, it was not ideal for us in any way and had there been another option that would fit with what we felt was right we would have been together much sooner, but we both wanted to do things the right way and I know we'll be blessed for that.
I may not have been face to face, in person with him yet, but I know him. I know him very well and he knows me too. We love each other and now we can finally, FINALLY be together! :) We are SOOOO blessed!!!! I love you baby!!!! XOXOXOXOX Finally you are truly mine and I am truly yours and on Friday I'll be in your arms where I belong!