Mar 31, 2010

Three Busy Weeks!

Its been a crazy few weeks in my little world. The previous 2 weeks I had the kids home for Spring vacation. It actually wasn't too bad because we kept busy with activities and stuff but it was very tiring.

A happy update in Dell Computer Saga...a very very kind and helpful friend came over to see if she could work her magic and breathe any life back into my evil Dell. Unfortunatly she wasn't able to save any of my files from the hard drive :( But she did help me discover how ridiculously cheap and easy it would be to switch out the hard drive for a new one which meant I could do it myself and take back the expensive new computer! Yay!

Of course, Best Buy had to charge me a dang restocking fee but even with that it was still several hundred dollars less and I now have my Dell back in working order (and I did the actual hardware exchange and reprogramming the operating system all by myself! I'm wildly impressed with me! LOL)

So that's all been good. Probably just a matter of time before it bites the dust again, but maybe I'll get lucky for a change...haha right...

Just a day or two later when I installed the Blackberry software onto my newly restored computer, I hooked up my Blackberry to update it and remove the files from it onto a disk. The program froze up so I clicked on the little thing to safely remove the phone from the computer. When I unhooked it from the computer EVERYTHING was gone!!!! My whole phone was wiped back to how it was when I opened it on day one! OH MY GOSH!!!! Why oh WHY does technology hate me sooo much!?!?! I absolutely started to cry. First my computer files gone and now my Blackberry too! My entire electronic exsistence just gone..poof!

In tears I called the Verizon people who thankfully were WAY nicer and WAY more helpful than the stupid Dell guys. One of the lovely Verizon Angels of Magnificence & Knowledge helped me on the phone for over an hour and with his help we discovered a hidden back up my computer had made of all my Blackberry files so I was able to restore them to the Blackberry! Hallelujah!!!

So hopefully now my technological life will run smoothly for awhile.

In other eventful news and definitely the more exciting of the list: I bought my plane ticket for Canada! I can't believe its finally happening! I've been waiting to go there for almost a year! I'm nervous but mostly just excited. I know its going to be an amazing weekend and one that will be very tough to have come to an end, but we're already looking ahead to future visits soon and then of course working on moving me up there so hopefully we won't have to do this long distance, back and forth stuff for too long. I love him soo much! :)

This week the kids went back to school (YAY!) but my employers are hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt this weekend and of course I get to work the whole day. Luckily I've enlisted a friend or two to help out as well so I won't be all alone in the sea of crazy, sugar-hyped kids and wealthy but amazingly dull adults, all getting drunk on mimosas. Oh yes...what a jolly holiday it will be! But at least I know that the next Saturday I'll be with Phil and that is all that matters!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely Easter (and Conference!) weekend!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

I can't believe this weekend is finally approaching! Make sure you let me know you're still alive! :) Good luck.